Solar Physics Division Press Releases

Solar Physics Division Press Releases

SPD Press Officer

Dr. Henry “Trae” Winter

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

[email protected]

(617) 495-7400


Tuesday February 18, 2018

2018 George Ellery Hale Prize 

The 2018 George Ellery Hale Prize for outstanding contributions to the field of solar astronomy is awarded to Sarbani Basu for her many seminal contributions to our understanding of the internal structure and dynamics of the Sun and stars.

2018 Karen Harvey Prize 

The 2018 Karen Harvey Prize for a significant contribution to the study of the Sun early in a person’s professional career is awarded to Nicholeen Viall for  her fundamental contributions to understanding coronal heating and the slow solar wind, and for her valuable service to the science community and the general public.