We wanted to let those of you who will be at the AAS/SPD next week about several sessions and activities related to DKIST that you might be interested in attending.

Monday night there will be a SPD Townhall, and both the NSO director V. Martinez Pillet and the NSF Program Officer for NSO and DKIST, D. Boboltz, will present contributions.

There are two “DKIST Science” sessions on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning, covering progress and outlook for some interesting science questions that we hope
will be addressed by DKIST in the coming years. The beginning of the first session will have a talk by Thomas Rimmele with an update on the project.

On Wednesday at lunchtime, there will be a “Countdown to DKIST Operations” Town Hall meeting where some of the project status, operations plans, and policy development
will be presented and discussed.

On Tuesday evening, we will have more of a workshop where we will discuss some of the tools and techniques that we are working on to help the community make greater use
of the Level-1 data. A light dinner will be provided.

Finally, the NSO exhibit booth will run through the week in exhibit hall, booth 215.